The Ladies of DC and Marvel Comics by Whitney Jiar

Beautiful portraits of the ladies of DC and Marvel Comics by the artist Whitney Jiar. The line-up for DC includes Supergirl, Zatanna, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Batgirl, Harley Quinn and Wonder Woman. Marvel is represented by Jean Grey, Emma Frost and Storm. You can check out more of Whitney Jiar’s work on Bēhance and Instagram.

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The Ladies of DC and Marvel Comics by Whitney Jiar - Supergirl
The Ladies of DC and Marvel Comics by Whitney Jiar - Zatanna Zatara
The Ladies of DC and Marvel Comics by Whitney Jiar - Jean Grey
The Ladies of DC and Marvel Comics by Whitney Jiar - Catwoman
The Ladies of DC and Marvel Comics by Whitney Jiar - Poison Ivy
The Ladies of DC and Marvel Comics by Whitney Jiar - Emma Frost
The Ladies of DC and Marvel Comics by Whitney Jiar - Batgirl
The Ladies of DC and Marvel Comics by Whitney Jiar - Harley Quinn
The Ladies of DC and Marvel Comics by Whitney Jiar - Storm
The Ladies of DC and Marvel Comics by Whitney Jiar - Wonder Woman

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