Star Wars staple mosaics by James Haggerty

James Haggerty creates incredibly detailed Star Wars mosaics using organized patterns of multicoloured staples. James merges tens of thousands of small metal pieces together to form the faces of Darth Vader (10,496 staples), Greedo (21,458 staples), and C-3PO (33,580 staples). That’s a years supply for most offices.

Star Wars staple mosaics by James Haggerty - C-3PO

With meticulous patience, and an organised plan, Haggerty punches each staple into a painted board averaging about 40 x 32″ in size. He relies on the dark background to fill in the negative spaces to form the mouth of C-3PO or Darth Vader’s helmet, while the metallic materials form the highlights that shine detailed depth to each portrait. I’ve resisted the joke until now, this art is stapletasic! Oh, alight, I’ll get my coat. 

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Star Wars staple mosaics by James Haggerty - Darth Vader

Star Wars staple mosaics by James Haggerty - Greedo

Star Wars staple mosaics by James Haggerty - C-3PO

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