ZX Spectrum Castlevania: Spectral Interlude.

Castlevania: Spectral Interlude is an action-adventure platform game with elements of RPG.

It was originally envisioned as a ‘demake’ of Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest but eventually turned into an original independent game for ZX Spectrum. It tells a new story which tries to remain consistent with the canon of the original franchise and explains why the Belmonts disappeared for many years.

  • More than 150 game screens, including hidden rooms
  • 10 enemy types and unique bosses
  • Upgrades
  • Built-in game map
  • 2 difficulty levels
  • “Lost” story explaining the disappearance of Belmonts from later Castlevania games
  • Soundtrack with 12 songs (which is freaking awesome btw, Soundcloud player below)

Download now from Spectral Interlude. You need ZX Spectrum 128 compatible computer or emulator.

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